NEW Book Reveals...
How To Use The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Money To Create Success
Do you want to enjoy complete calmness around your money and finances?
Stop worrying about "where the money is going to come from" and
make money your best friend
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In This Book You Will...

  • Meet your Conscious, Subconscious and Super conscious minds
  • Realize that there are no malicious forces judging or punishing you
  • ​Stop worrying about "where the money is going to come from"
  • ​​Make money your best friend
  • ​Enjoy complete calmness around your money and finances
  • ... and much, MUCH more!
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When you buy the book Laws of Money here!
The Myths of Procrastination (valued at £599)
Find out why everything you have learnt about procrastination is wrong and how you can actually eliminate it.
Energy Clearing to Eliminate Procrastination & turbocharge 
yourself to take action (valued at £799)
Use my powerful energy tool to remove  procrastination from your energy field.
Money Mind Body Connection & Money Blocks (valued at £499)
Identify your money blocks that are holding your money hostage, and keeping you in the cycle of boom and bust.
Creating Money Avatar and Making Money your Best Friend (valued at £499)
A step by step guide to creating the perfect money avatar to build a solid relationship with money so that abundance flows to you through multiple sources, in increasing quantity on a continuous basis.
3 Steps To Cash Flow Mastery (valued at £499)
A step by step system to use the money you have to attract more money.A proven strategy to become cash-flow positive and build a happy, healthy relationship with money.


Gull Khan is an International Best Selling Author, International speaker, Podcaster, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Intuitive Life Coach, an EFT expert, an Energy healer, a Money Mindset expert, and a Mother. 

Gull is a former Banking and Finance Lawyer, who left her corporate job to pursue her passion and become a Money Mindset Expert and Healer. She helps Entrepreneurs to break free from their limiting beliefs about money so that they can live a life of unlimited abundance. 

Gull successfully overcame her battle with dyslexia and then completed her Law Degree at Queen Mary, University of London. She then went on to become a Barrister with Middle Temple (UK), an Attorney with the New York Bar and a fully qualified Solicitor with the Law Society of England and Wales in the UK. As a lawyer, she has worked for some of the top international law firms.

Gull is a trained Intuitive Life Coach and a certified Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) expert, with a special focus on money in each discipline. Gull has helped hundreds of men and women to heal their money stories and to manifest thousands of dollars.
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